How does your golf ball fly?

You’ve made a great swing. Your swing path and plane were both spot on. So why has the golf ball behaved unexpectedly?

If your golf ball has gone right (for a right-handed golfer), then you’ve knocked it off its spin axis as shown above (looking from behind the ball down its flight).

We now know, courtesy of huge amounts of TrackMan data, that up to 85% of the problem will be ‘face angle’ through impact. It turns out that one of the primary causes of the face being knocked from square is the wrong lie angle for the golfer.

A lie angle that is too flat will cause the toe to be lower than the heel at impact, twisting the face and impacting the spin axis to create a fade or slice.

Get fit for accuracy

TrackMan data has proved that correctly fitted clubs are even more important to ball striking and accuracy than we had previously thought. Please only invest in equipment that’s been fitted to your golf swing.
